Technical Theater Showcase

Step into the captivating world of technical theatre at our Tech Theater Showcase, where the artistry of our talented technical theatre majors takes center stage. Get ready to be enthralled by their expertise in lighting, sound, set design, and more. From creating immersive atmospheres to bringing imaginative visions to life, our technical theatre students are the unsung heroes behind the scenes, and this is their moment to shine.

Experience firsthand the innovative techniques, meticulous craftsmanship, and creative ingenuity that bring productions to life. Witness the transformative power of lighting as it illuminates the stage with precision, feel the pulse of sound design that enhances every moment, and marvel at the intricate details of set construction that transport you to different worlds.

Join us for an extraordinary evening celebrating the exceptional talent of our technical theatre majors. Don’t miss this opportunity to support and applaud the remarkable artistry of our technical theatre students.