Be Exceptional

Spend just a few minutes searching the internet for actor job prospects, salary, or employment rates and the news isn’t great, but it isn’t awful either. On the surface, the average actor makes about $50,000 a year. That seems like a good salary, no?

These figures, however, only count those who list acting as their full time career. If a Williamsburg waiter gets a gig two or three times a year, he isn’t counted in those figures. There may be a few, also, who list their job as “actor” but really supplement their income with other jobs.

It is only the top 10% of actors who make $100,000 a year or more. Those are the exceptions. They have worked hard, prepared, studied, and had maybe more than a little bit of luck. No one becomes exceptional by waiting for it to happen.

As an actor, you are your own business. You have to treat your career as your business. Your character, your work ethic, your talent, and your attitude are your calling cards. Let your reputation work for you. Exceptional work doesn’t just happen and no one will do it for you. If you want to be the exception, be exceptional.